Giovanni Cortes

Results 7 comments of Giovanni Cortes

Not working. I just download last version and still has error in compiles

I just reinstall with `pod 'SearchTextField', '~> 1.2.2'` and now is working

Yes, my error. I was compiling with Swift 3

I have the same problem

I finally could be the archive from Xcode. The issues here can be for two reasons. The first one is that you are using Swift 3 to compile and you...

I have to add mime type in my case. I had en error with docx documents, I got unknown file. Anybody has fixed this?

We should do something like mailgun ``` file_parts =, fn {field_name, file_name, file_content} -> [:lists.concat(['--', boundary]), :lists.concat(['Content-Disposition: format-data; name=\"', :erlang.atom_to_list(field_name), '\"; filename=\"', file_name, '\"']), :lists.concat(['Content-Type: ', 'application/octet-stream']), '', file_content]...