Thanks for the hint! No, I haven't run a new export 😕 If I may ask... since unlike for the other languages, there's no `german.dict` in `org/languagetool/resource/de/`, are you using...
Ok great, thanks for the quick response! 😊
Do the tags and variants for German words which are unknown to the tagger - as e.g. "Alufelge" - have to be added manually? I assume that words without tags...
yes, sorry, as you suggested I moved to languageTool to add all missing words there. Only that for each missing word the according tag has to be obtained from the...
Sure, so some examples would be: Acryl, Bändchen, befüllen, Freundlichkeit, Inspektion, lila, Mountainbike, PH-Wert, schließ (as Prefix or short verb form), techno, vertikal, x-fach. The file below contains all words:...
Cool 😊 I'll let you know if I find more words when checking the splitter on other data sets