James Speirs
James Speirs
The [openapi-enforcer](https://www.npmjs.com/package/openapi-enforcer) handles this correctly.
Hello @jankuca and sorry for the slow response. I really like your idea. I will need to look into how this plays with the nested nature of the exceptions. Currently,...
Just an update. This is proving to be more complex than anticipated, but I wanted to let you know that it is not forgotten.
Another update: this will be available in version 2 of the library.
This is an interesting request that I have not thought of much. Give me a few days to think about what it would take to do this.
Version 2 of this tool will be supporting OAS 3.1. I'm not sure on the release date yet, but it is mostly done. We're working on fully testing it still.
I've begun work on this.
Yes. I've been rewriting the library in typescript. It's not the fastest way to get to a TypeScript definition file though so I might have to rethink the approach.
@sempasha I'm always willing to accept some help and feedback. As far as receiving those changes I'm more accustomed to forks and pull requests. I didn't even know it was...
@sempasha I will share it soon. It's far from complete but I'm cleaning up a few loose ends, then I'll share so other can contribute. Hopefully tomorrow.