```java @Inject( method = "convertTo", at = @At(value = "INVOKE", target = "Lnet/minecraft/world/entity/Mob;stopRiding()V") ) public void isControllingBoat(EntityType entityType, boolean bl, CallbackInfoReturnable cir){ Mob mob = null; //gotta figure out how...
Well in the case of Slimes and Magma cubes, it's less so a conversion and more so a splitting, it's not 1 entity becoming another entity, it's one entity becoming...
I will work on this and see if I can make it, and it's any good
Ok I have a solid version of it here: A bunch of them were rly easy cos they use the `Mob#convertTo` method, so I just had to inject there....
ooh, don't know Edit: I think so, cos it uses the same method as piglins -> pigmen I'll test to be safe tho
Just remembered Pigs -> Pigmen via lightning, it appears even the Mojira bug author forgot
Ok I have added the remaining events, I just need to test them
Ok all of them work, except for some reason mooshroom shearing triggers once for the actual conversion, and then like 5 other times for all the mushroom items that get...
ok @James103 it's all done