
Results 51 comments of GhostlyCrowd

a fellow by the name @Cap1sup is doing a rewrite in his free time its not working yet

Did you guys ever solve this i have 2 brand new ones and neither will enter calibrate mode, the rest of the menu works.

> you could run the fans in a series wiring, but they will run at 1/2 speed... > POS volt supply---red wire---fan1---black wire----|---red wire---fan2----black wire----NEG volt supply.. this is a...

> I am actually running that build just fine. This is what i used [](url) > > You may also find this video helpful:[](url) > and this one 2208 and...

> i did but no luck @GhostlyCrowd Post your configs and I can compile with the latest pull of marlin if you want Maybe it's a bug in the BTT...

Also forgot If are you using one of these in the SKR Pros pins file? You should be defining as below or the board will always reserve the onboard SD...

If you're not running a buck converter to say power the BL touch then only one ground is needed. If you are then you want the red and brown to...

V1.1 working great here with Meatpack and Bufferbuddy plugins. I've made several 12+ hour prints with it and it has improved print quality greatly, I used to run into buffer...

> Well, I printed many things with this, since month now. Now even tested with octoprint 1.7 and klipper 0.10 Works very well. I, too, have been using it on...