Ghibran Aljabbar

Results 9 issues of Ghibran Aljabbar

This valid yaml gives out an error when parsed with `parser.ParseBytes()` ```yaml cursor: { # something style: beam, } ``` Error message ``` 2022/07/31 17:34:11 [2:5] unexpected mapping key 1...

It would be nice to have a boolean variable to enable showing all errors. It would be something like virtual text in neovim. Something like this: ![Screenshot from 2022-07-11 22-55-49](


in this [page]('s example for raylib the function `draw_title() ` uses float for color.Raylib's color uses `char`. also the range for color in raylib is (i think) 0 - 255,...


i seem to have a problem using your libray. and i dont know how to fix it. this problem occurs when i include your header file. but when i declare...

I made an issue #22. Here is the fix. A simple fix. But as mentioned in the issue (all details in issue) libssl doesn't seem to be compatible either for...

I tried building this project with conan v2.04 and it seems to be broken. After some digging around turns out your current is not compatible with conan 2.0. source...

fixes issue #2 i just added to lines ```python if not os.path.exists(self.state.cache_path): os.makedirs(self.state.cache_path) ``` inside `make_capabilities_path()`

I love your tool but i found an (nitpicky) issue. when i misconfigured my config.json to use a directory that doesnt exist ```json "cache": "/doesnt/exist/cache" ``` this error occurs ```...

Kebijakan ini kan akhir akhirnya adalah kebijakan kabinet jokowi. Menurut gw jokowi termasuk tokoh penduking PSE. Tapi gimana menurut yang lain?