Ghayyas Mubashir
Ghayyas Mubashir
Hello Dear Angular2-swing, Im having issue with this plugin as its working awesome in web browser as well as android device. But Im having issue in IOS Devices. In IOS...
Hello, I used this Plugin. I must say its an awesome for the developers to save there work and build apps faster. But I'm getting an issue. I don't understand...
Hi, I need to run this script in my hooks. But When I type git push. it sucessfully push the code without rejecting it. My System Info: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS...
- Issue Type: `Bug` - Extension Name: `auto-rename-tag` - Extension Version: `0.1.1` - OS Version: `Linux x64 4.15.0-96-generic` - VSCode version: `1.44.0` Many times extension becomes unresponsive.
Hi, Im working on cordova plugin contacts. But I see there is no neighborhood filed in the address array. How Can I add Neighborhood filed in contact list.