Daniel Ji

Results 16 issues of Daniel Ji

Hi, Thank you for providing such a nice paper. I have a question here. The default setting indicates the implementation on pytorch1.2. But, if possible, could this library (TreeFilter-Torch/furnace/kernels/lib_tree_filter) be...

Hi, how nice work you have done! Your model is designed for segmenting multi-object in the scene and achieve nice performance compared with SOTAs. But if I have the only...

Hi, @Yonghongwei 在实例分割里面是有FC层作为分类,所以应该使用`Adam_GC`, 但是我使用在语义分割模型中,是没有FC层的,所以我应该使用`Adam_GCC`, 我在语义分割模型里面加了一些 Attention模块后,里面带有一些`nn.Linear()`层,我现在应该使用`_GCC` or `_GC`? 感谢回答!

Hi Jiwei! Why you try a little bit more bigger learning rate in your training phase? Or You try some bigger lr like `lr = 3e-4` or `lr = 1e-6`,...

数据集名称*:SUN-SEG 标注内容*(标注的器官/病灶): 结肠镜视频 息肉分割 LICENSE*(关于数据集使用和传播的协议,常用LISENCE请写名字,如果是Custome LICENSE请写网址): 下载方式*(下载网址或介绍下载方式的网页): https://github.com/GewelsJI/VPS/blob/main/docs/DATA_PREPARATION.md 类型(分类/分割/检测/...): 分割 模态(CT/MR/CXR/...): 视频 数量(扫描总数/图片张数): 1,106个结肠镜视频片段(158,690视频帧) 标签格式: 二值化掩膜(*.PNG) 文件格式: 视频格式
