Gabriel Jacoby-Cooper

Results 22 comments of Gabriel Jacoby-Cooper

I would love Safari support! I might be able to help out w/ specific tasks in the porting process.

@vincentneo By the way, if/when you merge this, I would appreciate it if you could tag a new release so that I don't have to make the Swift Package Manager...

I'm having this issue as well.

> I fixed the problem by installing 1.13.4 version of tensor2tensor > `!pip install tensor2tensor==1.13.4` `!pip install tensor2tensor==1.14.0` seems to work as well. I think that the problem is with...

Is there any way blog posts could be written in Markdown (presumably in Editorial) and converted to HTML with the same format as the rest of the website? This would...

Editorial can edit Markdown, but allows the user to create text automation workflows using a drag-and-drop interface and/or Python. We could presumably create a workflow that automates this task. Sent...

I want to experiment with Jekyll. Should I create an "experimental"/"dev" branch or use my own fork?

Just got Jekyll working on my fork with a test post. Unless there's anything else you want me to add, I think it's ready for a pull request.

I was thinking that the Editorial workflow would send the Markdown-formatted text to Pythonista (which supports custom modules with its `site-packages` directory) over Pythonista's custom iOS URL scheme. Once in...