Gerardo Gómez Rodríguez
Gerardo Gómez Rodríguez
Hi @evan2645 thank you for following up on this and referencing relevant issues! According to [kustomize's official documentation](, the way to distribute kustomize files is by having a dedicated GitHub...
Hi @evan2645 ! I've created a new public repository: that can work as the foundation for the kustomize manifests. It also includes an end-to-end test (based off the [Kubernetes...
Friendly reminder: Would the above repo work for the spiffe org?
This is a really nice feature!. Is there something to be done here to have this in a future release?
Hi @rturner3 Thank you for coming back to me. I understand the reasoning behind the decision and it sounds to me like like a sane path forward for SPIFFE as...