Gerard Walsh
Gerard Walsh
This could be due to the fact the optical flow operations require two frames - thus the last frame in the sequence is used only for optical flow calculations and...
Same issue when training on a custom dataset with one class.
I was trying to use the pascal dataloader for training on a custom dataset with 1 class - have switched to coco dataset loader and have left `self.max_objs = 128`,...
Line in question [here]( Any idea on speed up/reduction in number of operations?
As far as I understand, train.lst is simply a text file where each line is the path for a particular training image.
Which implementations did you use to generate the noisy labels? It seems quite hard to find implementations of the 4 methods the authors chose to generate groundtruth.
Thanks, that would be great to have your implementations. @JiangAndy I used OpenCV's saliency detection [module](