George Zogopoulos
George Zogopoulos
Virtual accelerometers apparently need to publish body-fixed, linear accelerations only, **excluding** the Corriolis acceleration. Mathematical reasoning should back-up this fact and published accordingly in the supporting documentation.
Take a look if this link contains any useful information:
Right now there is an independent environment node which calculates the atmosphere model, its structure is copied onto the ModelPlane class and there is also an AirData member which has...
I'm talking about this one:
Found in `propulsionLib.cpp`: ``` char s[100]; // Create engine power polynomial sprintf(s,"%s","motor/engPowerPoly"); engPowerPoly = factory.buildPolynomial(s); ```
The 'omega' member of the 'propulsion' class is not being initialized during a call of 'init' in 'ModelPlane' class.
Some design reference links:
There is little point in having the tf server in a separate node. Transforms in general are good to be around. Maybe make a list with the existing transformation frames...
Propellers perform very differently while operating on an unmoving aircraft. Most importantly, the formulation of thrust via advance ratio is meaningless. Commonly in bibliography the static and in-flight thrust model...