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Problem with catkin make
Hello Geonhee,
i am pretty new to ROS so forgive me if i make novice questions.
I get the following error when i try to catkin make
I tried erasing the word include from the CmakeLists.txt specified above, as suggested by a stackoverflow user but then i get the following error
I also tried to completely remove ur_robotiq_moveit_api and visual_tools folders and i had a successful build. but then i get the following error during launch.
I would appreciate your help and suggestions. Thank you
OS Ubuntu 18.04 ROS Melodic
Hi, @babistheod. Could you clone the https://gitlab.com/mechatronic/robotiq_85_gripper and build robotiq_85_description pkg?
Thanks for your reply. So i cloned your melodic-devel branch and added just the robotiq_85_description pkg into the workspace as you suggested. I now get this error during launch
I believe i already have installed the hw_interface pkg. I suspect it has to do with ros versions incompatibility because similar errors have come up in the past. Any thoughts?
Hi, why don't you refer to #9 ?
I think that hw_inferface
error may be related to the dependency. So, please try to install with sudo apt install ros-melodic-hardware-interface
I have already checked that.
The problem persists.
already include the hw_interface, but it doesn't appropriate syntax. I suggest the changing from hw_interface to other interface
Hello, I am also interested in this project and I met similar questions about "hw_interface". I downlaod the zip from (https://gitlab.com/mechatronic/robotiq_85_gripper) and put the [robotiq_85_description] folder under the [ur-reaching-reinforcement-learning] folder. Ubuntu 18.04 Melodic. The ros-melodic-hardware-interface has been installed, and the similar issue still occurs.
- I do not find the hw_interface in the robotiq_85_description folder, where could I find it? Is it the reason I met this issue?
- I have tried the method in the link (https://github.com/lihuang3/ur5_ROS-Gazebo/issues/13) , and hw_interface is added in the ur5.urdf.xacro in ur_description/urdf. While the error still occurs. Do you have some suggestions? Thank you.
Hello, unfortunately i could not solve the problems i met. Eventually i downgraded my system and I now use ubuntu 16.04 and ROS Kinetic in order to make lihuang3 project workable and carry on from there. Sorry but i dont have a solution for your issue but i would be grateful if you could share your solution when you are able to resolve this issue.
Στις Παρ 18 Μαρ 2022 στις 11:28 π.μ., ο/η Jx-WEN @.***> έγραψε:
Hello, I am also interested in this project and I met similar questions about "hw_interface". I downlaod the zip from (https://gitlab.com/mechatronic/robotiq_85_gripper) and put the [robotiq_85_description] folder under the [ur-reaching-reinforcement-learning] folder. Ubuntu 18.04 Melodic. The ros-melodic-hardware-interface has been installed, and the similar issue still occurs.
- I do not find the hw_interface in the robotiq_85_description folder, where could I find it? Is it the reason I met this issue?
- I have tried the method in the link (lihuang3/ur5_ROS-Gazebo#13 https://github.com/lihuang3/ur5_ROS-Gazebo/issues/13) , and hw_interface is added in the ur5.urdf.xacro in ur_description/urdf. While the error still occurs. Do you have some suggestions? Thank you.
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Thank you for your reply. I am trying and do not find the solution currently.
Did you consider for xacro:ur_arm_transmission prefix="${prefix}" hw_interface="${transmission_hw_interface}" />
Thank you for your reply. I have checked and this part(<xacro:ur_arm_transmission prefix="${prefix}" hw_interface="${transmission_hw_interface}" /> ) aready exists in this file. I find there are two folders ur_description and ur_robotiq_description, both of which contain the ur5.urdf.xacro. Which file should be modified? Are they useful when "roslaunch ur_robotiq_gazebo gym.launch" is impletmented. Thank you.
Actually, I don't remember exactly which file is executed. However, I managed the files lastly on README. Threrefore, conveyer_gym.launch may be main launch file
感谢您的回复。所以我克隆了你的旋律开发分支,并按照你的建议将robotiq_85_description pkg 添加到工作区中。我现在在启动期间收到此错误
我相信我已经安装了hw_interface pkg。我怀疑这与 ros 版本不兼容有关,因为过去也出现过类似的错误。有什么想法吗?
Hello, I feel the same as your mistake, may I ask you to solve it? Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to reply.
Hello, have you found the solution? Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to reply.
您好,不幸的是我无法解决遇到的问题。最终我 降级了我的系统,我现在使用 ubuntu 16.04 和 ROS Kinetic 为了 使立黄3项目可行,并从那里继续。 抱歉,我没有解决您的问题的方法,但如果 当您能够解决此问题时,您可以共享您的解决方案。 Στις παρ 18 μαρ 2022 στις 11:28 π.μ., ο/η Jx-WEN @.***> έγραψε: ... 您好,我也对这个项目感兴趣,我遇到了类似的问题 关于“hw_interface”。 我从(https://gitlab.com/mechatronic/robotiq_85_gripper)下载拉链 并将 [robotiq_85_description] 文件夹放在 [你的-到达-强化-学习]文件夹。 Ubuntu 18.04 旋律。 已安装 ros-旋律-硬件-接口,以及类似的 问题仍然存在。 1. 我在robotiq_85_description中找不到hw_interface 文件夹,我在哪里可以找到它?这是我遇到此问题的原因吗? 2. 我已经尝试了链接中的方法(lihuang3/ur5_ROS-凉亭#13<lihuang3/ur5_ROS-凉亭#13>),并且 hw_interface 被添加到 ur_description/URDF 的 ur5.urdf.xacro 中。而 错误仍然出现。你有什么建议吗?谢谢。 — 直接回复此电子邮件,在 GitHub 上查看 <#12(评论)>, 或取消订阅 https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AKKLKCGNHXZ4MQ24C22XKXDVARED5ANCNFSM5ORZZKZQ . 随时随地通过适用于 iOS 的 GitHub 移动版分类通知 https://apps.apple.com/app/apple-store/id1477376905?ct=notification-email&mt=8&pt=524675 或安卓 <https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.android&referrer=utm_campaign%3Dnotification-email%26utm_medium%3Demail%26utm_source%3Dgithub>。 您收到此消息是因为您被提及。消息 ID: <李金熙/ur-reaching-reinforcement-learning/issues/12/1072230643@ github.com>
Hello, did you run successfully with Ubuntu16.04? Looking forward to your reply.