There could be a few things going on here. Here are some suggestions. First make sure the indentation of the options, they should be starting in column three. If these...
Hi Amubu, The exception is bubbling up from the net-ldap gem. The error indicates its not seeing the bind parameters (username / password). Since you are using both IdentLDAP and...
This is almost certainly a problem parsing the configuration file. It needs to be strict YAML syntax. I don’t know if e-mail or github has possibly eaten the formatting but...
That looks like a problem with install of the SQLite3 gem. Maybe try to reinstall that? If you are on Linux you probably need to have your sqlite3 development packages...
From a quick look at things possibly your sqlite3 gem did not build/install correctly. Can you try to run ‘gem install sqlite3’ in your environment. Make sure that completes without...
Looking at the very last error message lines there it could be a config parsing issue. I am including a working sample as requested. Please be sure to watch the...
From the looks of the that log message the server is not seeing the computer name in the request. I assume you are using the SetAdminPass.vbs client? If so maybe...
You probably should not do it from the command line. The idea is the server actually can’t decrypt the documents. Once they are stored and the memory gets freed (not...
The expiration time is ‘advisory’ to the client. The server really has no way to make it do anything obviously. What probably has happened is you set the expiration time...
Depends on the configuration. Most likely the nonce value is out of sync between the device and the server. Simplest fix is probably just delete the device on the server...