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Personal dot files for archlinux running hyprland window manager

Personal Arch Hyprland Configuration by Genograche

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


Open Arch Wiki

Ensure base-devel is installed before proceeding

Install an aur helper like Yay or Paru

Important: Execute the following commands as a regular user, NOT as root!
Installing yay:

git clone
cd yay
makepkg -si

Clone the repo

git clone
cd Arch-hyprlandconfigs

Required Packages

    yay -S hyprland polkit-kde-agent gnome-keyring seahorse gnome-system-monitor \
    ffmpeg neovim viewnior rofi-lbonn-wayland pavucontrol thunar galculator \
    starship cliphist wl-clipboard swww waypaper slurp grimblast-git \
    ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler gvfs playerctl noise-suppression-for-voice \
    xarchiver thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin kitty alacritty \
    thunar-volman gvfs-mtp waybar swaync swaidle swaylock-effects pamixer \
    papirus-icon-theme nwg-look-bin ttf-firacode-nerd noto-fonts \
    noto-fonts-emoji ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-common otf-firamono-nerd \
    qt5ct qt6ct qt5-wayland qt6-wayland brightnessctl hyprpicker-git \
    pipewire lib32-pipewire wireplumber pipewire-audio pipewire-pulse \
    pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack lib32-pipewire-jack xdg-user-dirs \
    xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland xdg-desktop-portal-gtk catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha --needed

Update user directories


Making Screenshot directories

mkdir -p ~/Pictures/Screenshots/

Copy Config files

    cp -R config/* ~/.config/
    cp -R cursors/* ~/.local/share/icons/
    cp -R Wallpapers ~/Pictures/
    cp -R fonts ~/.local/share/
fc-cache -fv

Set some files as executables

chmod +x ~/.config/hypr/scripts/*
chmod +x ~/.config/waybar/scripts/*

Enable zram (Ignore if archinstall script is used)

sudo pacman -S zram-generator
touch /etc/systemd/zram-generator.config
  • copy config from zram Archwiki
  • Run daemon-reload, then start your configured [email protected] instance(s).
  • Check zram swap staus




  • SUPER+backspace brings up keybinds
  • super+return(enter) brings up terminal(alacritty)
  • Incase hyprland fails ctrl+alt+F6(any function keys) to open tty
  • Change window resolution in hyprland.conf

Important Things to remember(ONLY FOR ME-PERSONAL)

  • Get fastest mirrors with
reflector --sort rate --protocol http,https --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist
  • themes.css in waybar config is soft linked to the desired theme in the themes folder(example:ln -s (or -sf)mocha.css themes.css)
  • set default file manger $xdg-mime default thunar.desktop inode/directory
  • bash completion
  • zsh and plugins(starship)
  • all noto fonts
 sudo pacman -S $(pacman -Ssq noto-fonts) --needed
  • groups wheel
  • ntp
  • network manger
  • make threds -j$(nproc)
  • fstrim.timer
  • swapfile(refer to wiki)
  • auto-cpufreq
  • Check pipewire
pactl info
  • Check xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland(obs)
  • Blootooth?,Task manager?,powertop?
  • wine,lutris
  • check for amdgpu kernal driver instead of radeon
lspci -k | grep -A 3 -E "(VGA|3D|Display)"
  • For my amd graphics driver if amdgpu kernal driver is not used set the following kernal parameters(/etc/default/grub)
radeon.si_support=0 amdgpu.si_support=1
radeon.cik_support=0 amdgpu.cik_support=1
  • If discrete gpu is not properly working,then set the following kernal parameter(this will prevent the dGPU from being powered down dynamically at runtime. )

-Then update grub

  • For my amd,if needed for vdapu,set env variables in /etc/profile
export VDPAU_DRIVER=radeonsi
export LIBVA_DRIVER_NAME=radeonsi
  • loginmanager-sddm
pacman -Syu sddm qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-svg qt5-quickcontrols2
sudo cp -r sddm/corners /usr/share/sddm/themes/
sudo cp sddm/genograche.face.icon /usr/share/sddm/faces/
  • change sddm configuration in in /etc/sddm.conf.d/sddm.conf(on arch default config is available in /usr/lib/sddm/sddm.conf.d/default.conf)

Ignore the following if dhcpcd is not installed

sudo systemctl enable dhcpcd@(ip link your interface name).service
  • If dhcpcd causes the startup to slow then save the folllowing to /etc/systemd/system/[email protected]/no-wait.conf
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dhcpcd -b -q %I
  • If needed disable dhcpcd ARP probing in \etc\dhcpcd.conf
  • If games in wine doesn't have sound get
winetricks faudio
winetricks xact

Base config from RumiAxalotl


Rofi configs and styles from adi1090x and Axenide


Sddm theme from


The rest from Archwiki and Hyprlandwiki
