General Tantor
General Tantor
So to fix open GL issues we probably need to use something like VooDoo? right?
I looked at the video its because you have this setting as true make it false and see what happens. "correct_menu_aspect_ratio": false,
Granted I am using a bunch of mods will try it without the mods installed....
This would be nice since we could affectively update the cutscenes with the JKGFXMOD Texture packs added.
Hey man how did you get this mod to actually run at all? I place it in the Mods folder but it does not load the cutscenes natively still runs...
Nice! Thank you sir this will help out!
It worked!!! dude! This is what we needed to get this thing working!! Holy moly! You did it! yeah maybe in the future we could fix some things here and...
I noticed that sometimes the engine flags as a virus is it possible maybe windows 11 Security is deleting files that are necessary for it to run correctly?
MOTS texture pack only upgrades some of the textures you still need the texture pack that is for Jedi Knight as well in order to get more of the textures...