Cody Barnes

Results 16 comments of Cody Barnes

It may never be possible to parse all of the wacky ways that various jurisdictions encode dates. Might it be workable to make the validation parameter more granular? Alternatively, perhaps...

Thank you Connor. This will work for my needs. I was thinking that splitting the Validation into a flagged enum with "Header" and "Fields" values might give your users more...

I see what you mean. That does really break the contract implied by the name. So what if you were to add `Validation.PermissiveFields` with the expectation that you might add...

FYI, the expire date in the DL that tripped this issue is set to expire in 2022. The format is 2009, but it was issued in 2017. It is the...

The conversion should probably handle flag enums as well. ```powershell if ($property.Type -eq 'flags' -and $InputValue -ne 0) { $strValue = ($enumValues | where-object {$_.Value -ne 0 -and ($_.Value -band...

The most obvious result of this misconfiguration is the Windows Update (for unmanaged clients using Microsoft servers) fails.

If changing this format, it would be nice to prefix the resource ID to indicate that it is generated by PowerSTIG. Perhaps something like this? "PowerSTIG\\$($Rule.Id)\\$($Rule.severity)\\$($Rule.title)"

There is a warning for empty org settings. But I wasn't referring to that. The warning in question is for rules that are added to the "Skip" parameter. These are...

This happens when the resource is called with the Version parameter set, but a different version is already installed. See cChocoPackageInstall.psm1 - Set-TargetResource The ChocoInstalled.xml cache file is created at...