Same for me, also installed Java11 with the minor modification that i have the additional \jdk- in the Java installation path and env vars. I think the installation fails because...
You can convert it on your own, spk ist just a renamed tar.gzip Within the openhab-syno-spk- there is a openhab-syno-spk- folder with the conf, scripts, WIZARD_UIFILES subfolders etc. needed by...
Could be that 8080 is already used by some other app. I change the port to 8180 if necessary but mainly use the 8443 port for https access. Did you...
Did you try 8443 which is the default port for SSL access ?
Did you reset the certificate in the browser ? After reinstallation, openhab creates a new certificate for the https access over port 8443. If you have accepted the old, self...
Did you test to having the CC1101 add the RSSI and LQI values to the packet by setting `ELECHOUSE_cc1101.setAppendStatus(1);` and take the RSSI from these two additional bytes instead of...
@phpcoder: i have a similar application where the device sends a preamble (0xAA), a sync word and then a bunch of data which does not use the cc1101 built in...
I forgot: the RSSI and LQI values are frozen once a valid preamble is detected. The two bytes added to the message are therefore always valid for the current received...
If you have the manual of the CC1101: Sections 15.5 describes the receive sequence in different modes. Section 17.3 describes the RSSI readout and the RSSI freezing on sync word...
By the way, i am using the Anaren (now TTM) CC1101 modules (A1101R04C and A1101R08C) with an integrated U.FL antenna connector, these have quite good performance. Only disadvantage is that...