Hi! @Benzo00 Pls merge this. We voted in discord.
@Mycroft-Studios Hi! What's up? :)
Hi! @mcNuggets1 Thank you for create issue. I honestly don't know why this issue was closed, but I'm here now and we can talk about it. If I understand correctly,...
@mcNuggets1 Why must it always run? Can't we check if someone has thrown something away/used it up? What do you think about this?
I see. ```lua CreateThread(function() while ESX.PlayerLoaded do for i, weapon in ipairs(ESX.GetPlayerData().loadout) do local playerHasWeapon = HasPedGotWeapon(ESX.GetPlayerData().ped, GetHashKey(, false) if not playerHasWeapon then TriggerServerEvent('esx:removeWeapon', end end Wait(1000) end end)...
@mcNuggets1 Oh sorry you just commented there. #394 Could you then write it as you say and if it's good we'll accept it?
No problem, thank you on behalf of the ESX team.
@Manta95 Hi! This is not working, I can't accept this because it requires a newer artifact or gamebuild version. This should include some condition testing to make it work if...
> > @Manta95 Hi! This is not working, I can't accept this because it requires a newer artifact or gamebuild version. This should include some condition testing to make it...
I don't think we need qb-radio, we can write it ourselves so it went into backlog.