Having the same issue. Pretty critical issue for us, as health endpoint is used by K8S to check if pods are healthy or not. Had all of our pods go...
Indeed, it could be defined as crontab format - but I liked the good-and-simple solution (so anyone glancing it wouldn't have to think twice to understand) that other projects used....
@dstepanov tried the same setup in Micronaut 4.2.2 and got the same result - bug still exists
@radovanradic another issue emerged. When paginating, with `MANY_TO_MANY` relations, if you limit to `x` results you might get less than `x` results, even when you have `totalSize > x`. Really...
I can create test for it next week, to see if it's only related to Criteria or happens even without using Criteria.
Would this get worked on at any point? We've hit this limitation multiple times in our project, getting bug tickets where some devs have again made this mistake of using...
Writing it with criteria would mean the count is invalid. And when you have page size 10, it might happen that you only get 1 record in response, when in...
Can we at least be able to turn this off for the whole project in config? I tried to find such config, but currently, I am just writing all annotations...