Currently when a local variable is remapped within a method, all local variables with the same index in the method hierarchy get the same name applied. Instead, local variables should...
Terrarium should support geofencing so that when you enter/exit a new area a status could optionally appear with the place name. This could be done through toasts or the status...
Precomputed tiles with water polygons - [x] Filter out water from planetfile - [x] Split into tiles - [ ] Make polygon tiles - [ ] Calculate water body height...
Will update with more features as this progresses - [ ] Quarry - [ ] Volcano (`natural:volcano`, specifically the opening) - [ ] Heath - [x] Glacier - [x] Scree...
Could make use of `natural:cave_entrace` tag:
The mod should feature extended generation from OSM data, allowing buildings and highways to be generated in detail.