Do you also experience audio input distortion? I tested 5 units and they all started crackling especially with longer note lengts. Experimented with all -db settings/routings. Could not get sound...
Thank you for testing. I tested 5 unites. Please see my attached. pdf Any special settings to get sidechain work? System 1.2.0 Core 1.0.0+ Voice 1.0.0 Panel 1.1.8 One with...
Fyi .mov audio in DL crackling (all 5 units) [DL crackling](
@boochow Yes that was an extreme example but no master FX were added. But i have it with all the output settings and Db variation. Today i used the same...
UPDATE!!!! FIX!!! I used a simple mono mini jack to mini jack from an anolog synth full out into the durmlogue and sounded GREAT!