David Ha (小河)
David Ha (小河)
Okey I got it, thanks for code review :)
Thank you! I will consider your suggestion.
Thank you!
# How to solve this issue? > 1. Check empty subviews UITableCellContrainerView > 2. Check UIImageView contained UITableCellContainterView > 3. Remove upper case zombie cells ```swift self.tableNode.performBatchUpdates({ self.tableNode.deleteRows(at: deleteIndexPaths, with:...
I just resolve about this issue at https://github.com/GeekTree0101/VEditorKit/pull/62 but, we must have to find best solution & core bug at Texture framework
### Interactor 의 Logic을 Binder이용해서 처리하고 싶어요. ```swift extension CommunityCardLabelEditorInteractorLogic { var getLabelList: Binder { return Binder(self) { interactor, request in interactor.getLabelList(request) } } } protocol CommunityCardLabelEditorInteractorLogic: class { func...
# 참고 사이트 및 아티클 - [Signal and Relay in RxCocoa 4](https://medium.com/mercari-engineering/signal-and-relay-in-rxcocoa-4-547fb0d18e11) Relay는 ObservableType 프로토콜을 기반으로하지만 중요한 차이점은 Subject 클래스와 달리 **ObserverType을 기반으로하지 않는다는 것**입니다 . Observable로부터 **Complete/Error 를 받기를...
### Example GIST https://gist.github.com/GeekTree0101/975c30412a2e79ec425264645222948d
https://github.com/TextureGroup/Texture/pull/2032 I just open Pull-Request. It replace attribute from constructor to destructor for run after main on running unit test
Try to setup shouldCacheImage property as false(objc: NO)