Luigi Lucarelli
Luigi Lucarelli
Next release will drastically improve success rate on A9 devices, just wait :P
You switched from g0blin or started from a clean system?
Could you at least try to write this in English?
oh already saw that issue a while ago, unfortunately I can't reproduce this :/
Have you tried to clean up your /etc/hosts file? g0blin blocks some Apple URLs by default, LiberiOS does the same on iOS 11 and causes issues with AppStore downloads. Using...
Cydia apps crashing isn't due to The Jailbrrak rather than APFS itself, launchscript and stashed binary doesn't work, and probabili this can't be fixed (see 32bit H3lix, since there isn't...
Yep, successfully used Eraser on iOS 10.3.1 (iPhone 6S) and I have no issues with doubleH3lix except the bad success rate due to v0rtex exploit itself
6S n71map 10.3.1, worked after 7/8 tries, just keep trying :P
Cydia purchases have to be enabled by Saurik
Maybe a Substrate bug, noticed that also with Pangu933, try NoSub (PalBreak w/ options) from and disable Substrate for Camera app