Ivan Gavrilov
Ivan Gavrilov
Added option to force evaluation of formulas. Configured by `DefaultFormatterFactory#setFormulasPostProcessingEvaluationEnabled` or `cuba.reporting.formulasPostProcessingEvaluationEnabled` property. 'False' by default.
See also https://github.com/jmix-framework/jmix/issues/345
Works fine with 'org.hsqldb:hsqldb:2.7.1'
Found date change within `AbstractDataStore#save(SaveContext)` process (in hsqldb library): Initially it saves with correct dates. Last step of the save process is to reload and return all entities we have...
Added new property to force formulas evaluation - `jmix.reports.formulas-post-processing-evaluation-enabled`. True by default.
Updated: default value is 'false'.
In most cases is will be enough to set LibreOffice property **Tools - Options - LibreOffice Calc - Formula - Recalculation on File Load** to 'Always recalculate'