Gautam Bose
Gautam Bose
Hi! We have recently updated the snippet available in Teachable Machine's Export panel to resize the images exactly how they are resized in the web app. Check it out and...
Hi! I suspect that something is causing models trained on different OS's, hardware, or browsers to behave differently. For example, when I downloaded your dataset and trained my own model,...
Is this affecting all builds on Ventura? Or only those with a specific dependency?
@matagus Worked for me thanks!
@MattJustMatt Same - knew this machine had little memory but have rarely seen it slow to the absolute crawl this feature caused!
Can you try taking a look at this Colab? I have tried to reproduce your issue with the exact Teachable Machine project and the examples you provided in, but...
We've had a lot of trouble reproducing this issue, even on windows 7 and windows 10 machines with chrome 79. What browser were you using when training these models?