Gauri Bhandari
Gauri Bhandari
### Reproduction steps Currently, in the latest blogs section of the website, the written lines are displayed in white color, which makes it difficult for users to read the content....
### 🛠️ Fixes Issue Issue - #1488 ### 👨💻 Changes proposed To enhance the readability and user experience, we should consider adjusting the text color in the latest blogs section....
### Feature description Currently, the project offers limited programming language courses. To enhance the platform's educational value, we should add courses for the top programming languages widely used in the...
### Reproduction steps The "resource.html" file is a part of the project and contains the footer section that requires some improvement. Currently, there is no hover effect applied to the...
# Pull Request Template ## Description This pull request adds instructions for using npm to run the Docusaurus site locally. This addition will help users who prefer to use npm...