
Results 22 comments of Gargo

@DantePuglisi I tried example from this repo and it seems this issue is related to your code and/or animation only. Could you please share more information?

sometimes it is necessary to serialize dictionary into json with a custom order but in swift and many other languages dictionaries have no items order at all.

@vladaverin24 the issue is very obvious to post screenshots. For example look at your own screenshots - in iphone 5s simulator the top white labels overlap cards

@iWeslie I wanted to add a picker which has similar functionality to action sheet - 1..n buttons with custom titles and actions and cancel button. In the same time you...

it is already released - look at download page - it has "xCode 8 GM" only: 7.x versions are already archived

I have the same error and it could be fixed if the author of this repo added support for cocoapods - it allows to specify a concrete swift version for...

Could you explain how to fix it?

example of solution (but i must edit it in this library directly): ``` internal var viewControllers = [UIViewController]() { didSet { for v in stackView.subviews { v.removeFromSuperview() } drawTabs() guard...

@dasoga it is not an solution. The solution is somehow specify it in Podfile. Otherwise you need to set it manually in project settings after each `pod install`

I have the same issue. The problem is Xcode project had `AppDelegate` only but now it has `SceneDelegate` too. This library doesn't support it