Hello, Thank you for the question. We have set a threshold for the split operation to guarantee the penalty. Please see TC_tracker/combCost.m at master · GaoangW/TC_tracker ( At 2021-01-22 07:03:15,...
Hi Dan, I think it is the bouding box issue. Can you check if the bounding box has integer values and inside the image? Matlab requires the index to be...
@Imagesnn You can set the General folder into your Matlab path. Then you can call these three functions. The inputs are explained inside each .m file. For example, MOT_to_UA_Detrac('.txt', '1',...
@woshiwoyali Maybe it is because the input directory is not correct. The dataset_dir should contain several subfolders. Each subfolder should have several png images from the same identity/class. You can...
@woshiwoyali 1. num_pair is the number of positive pairs and negative pairs in the faceNet evaluation. n_fold is the number of folds used in the cross validation. 2. MAT_folder is...
> > Bonjour, L' exécution de TNT/General/MOT_to_UA_Detrac.m génère une erreur : il ne trouve pas bboxOverlapRatio. Pourriez-vous préciser où se trouve la fonction bboxOverlapRatio ? > > Merci! > >...
> > 您好: > > 在第五步中 使用裁剪数据训练基于FaceNet的三重态外观模型。 > > 在facenet项目中,下载LFW数据集【未对齐的人脸图像】,使用命令 > > python src/align/ > > ~/datasets/lfw/raw > > ~/datasets/lfw/lfw_mtcnnpy_160 > > --image_size 160 > > --margin 32 > >...
> 您好,请问您能详细讲一讲如何组织matlab代码中产生的那些数据吗?我通过这些代码,分别得到了一些pairs文件、mat文件、和一些剪裁后的图片数据文件,我仍将这些文件按MOT17Det/train/目录下的序列的不同而分开,这样做对吗?最后一步train_cnn_trajecctory文件中似乎只需要一个包含所有的mat的文件夹、模型文件和原数据集。我看到大家似乎还是用的lfw数据集来产生tripleloose模型文件,那么剪裁的图片及pairs文件我又该如何使用呢? 裁剪出来的图片和pairs是用于facenet训练及验证使用的。训练facenet是为了获取图片的embedding,代码在src文件夹下面。具体的训练可以参考 之后在第六步中只需要输入mat文件路径、video的原始帧路径和训练好的facenet模型路径,temp_folder和save_dir是输出路径: MAT_folder = 'C:/Users/tangz/OneDrive/Documents/Gaoang/MOT17/gt_mat' img_folder = 'C:/Users/tangz/OneDrive/Documents/Gaoang/MOT17/MOT17Det/train' temp_folder = 'C:/Users/tangz/OneDrive/Documents/Gaoang/MOT17/temp' triplet_model = 'C:/Users/tangz/OneDrive/Documents/Gaoang/MOT17/MOT_appearance' save_dir = 'C:/Users/tangz/OneDrive/Documents/Gaoang/MOT17/MOT_2d/model.ckpt'