Gang Wang
Gang Wang
After collecting logs of dotnet new integration tests on diffent OS + Build configuration in 4 CI runs, I found long running test just happened to the followong tests which...
The test/command execution time has no obvious increase from SDK Preview 4 to SDK Preview5. Please see average time(second) of each step on different platforms. Note: dotnet new Invocation means...
Collect more data of the average execution time from multiple runs with dotnet 7 Preview 5 & Preview 6(macOS 11), and runs with macOS 12 and macOS 10.15(Preview 5). **Preview...
> @GangWang01 does `dotnet new invocation` include post action execution time? Yes, it does.
Captured the execution time mentioned above. **dotnet 7.0.100-preview.4.22178.9** ||dotnet new process|dotnet new execution|template instantiation|post action(restore project)|dotnet restore process|dotnet build process| |-|-|-|-|-|-|-| |Linux|2.2087092|1.763950867|0.436288517|1.126641267|1.097844967|2.0284816| |Windows|2.463470733|1.998035267|0.5060258|1.2932189|1.24554|2.350077467| |macOS 10.15|2.5888598|2.1052604|0.562038|1.302152|1.271835|2.4018087| |macOS 11|3.084912|2.5056243|0.6749609|1.5507138|1.4974926|2.8483784| |macOS 12|2.9101703|2.362975|0.6624255|1.4282473|1.3800725|2.6093628| **dotnet...
Updated the specific version of SDK above. And linked the PRs running in CI as reference, the ones with the title containing "Preview 4" run with dotnet 7.0.100-preview.4.22178.9. Others run...