Will Gammerdinger
Will Gammerdinger
"I am self-learning bioinformatics using the awesome material prepared by your training program. For the topic: - "Differential Gene Expression Analysis (bulk RNA-seq Part II)"; - Part III (DESeq2); -...
Tidyverse dropdown needs formatting fix # DO NOT RUN # Order by adjusted p-value descending idx
Care with sed on the Advanced Unix module. Macs come with BSD sed, but the lesson is for GNU sed. There is some functionality in the lesson that doesn't work...
Rough draft of the introduction
This is a draft of how to fix it: #check available updated database query(ah,'org.Hs.eg.db.sqlite') human_orgdb
While there are no exercises, we no longer have a PollEverywhere, so we need to create a Day 3 Google poll for questions to get posted to.