Valentin Rudloff
Valentin Rudloff
Hey @birdie1 your project is interesting and I'm using it with my Orion Smart and Smart solar devices via Bluetooth. I'm sorry in advance if the questions may sound dumb...
I'm working on Dockerizing the app. It should be done by tomorrow
Just change the llm chain to an agent that can resonate. It should be able to better interact with the user when questions are asked.
See this langchain doc for info
Based on the current code and chat history, suggest a relevant instruction the user could copy from
Do a pylint check on the generated app and give it to the bot to fix some errors. And check for security issues
The streamlit discussion space is full of usefull code. Let the agent search in it and retrieve the solution. _prerequisites_: #18 DONE
When the user wants to save the generated app, it usually because app is relevant and works for the user. We could retrieve the code and the evaluation of the...
Sometimes the user does not like the code generated, so let the user ask to regenerate the code. In the case the user ask a question and no code is...
The user will be let hanging if it does not know how to use the generated code. So you should create a tutorial (textual or video) on how to serve...