**OS/device including version:** Related to the windows release **Issue description:** The release of the desktop for windows `` has the dll files ending with `.a` or `.o`, making them not...
**The Current Issue** When wanting to set a filter for a texture inside of a material, the current process looks like: ``` tile.Materials[0].Maps[r.MapAlbedo].Texture.SetTextureFilter(r.FilterAnisotropic16x) ``` **The Proposal** It would be nice...
**Describe the bug** The output trace logs end prematurely, with information no longer being displayed. ``` INFO: [resources/textures/inventorybg.png] Image loaded successfully (1920x1080) INFO: [TEX ID 9] Texture created successfully (1920x1080...
### Feature description Would it be possible to have this as a separate addon that could be used with others? Or how difficult would it be to use this with...