☙◦ The Tablet ❀ GamerGirlandCo ◦❧

Results 14 comments of ☙◦ The Tablet ❀ GamerGirlandCo ◦❧

try loading the attached zip in magisk manager. i've fixed this! [adb_root.zip](https://github.com/evdenis/adb_root/files/7124104/adb_root.zip)

update: i restarted nodemon and now there's no issues.... weird, but i'm glad it's resolved (for now)

> I found another workaround by referencing the frontmatter function's [code](https://github.com/SilentVoid13/Templater/blob/master/src/core/functions/internal_functions/frontmatter/InternalModuleFrontmatter.ts). The following example template allows you to parse the template's frontmatter, rather than the frontmatter of the target file....

> If you give us a description of your use case, we might be able to give you other ideas. what i'm trying to do is use Templater in conjunction...

> Strange. Let me know! Here's how the other bug looked, if it helps: > > 1. Move a scene. Looks good. > 2. Move another scene. The previously-moved scene...

> @GamerGirlandCo do you have the latest beta? You'll need to uninstall and reinstall in BRAT, as I'm not updating version numbers. If you haven't reinstalled in the past few...

> You could try to implement insert-or-update/cache/validation using `BeforeInsert/AfterInsert` model hook. Assuming that hooks are powerful enough. How would you access the `bun.DB` instance from within a hook function to...

> When might this functionality be rolled out? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯

> hm. in regards to https://github.com/blacksmithgu/obsidian-dataview/pull/1803/commits/b201bd1990c47ccd75939aef45de54a51c091afc I'd actually prefer not to see politics in commit messages. > especially, since I don't want to see this repo getting DMCA'd for something...