Giorgi Keratishvili
Giorgi Keratishvili
@FlorianLiebhart Hello any progress for DoH support?
@FlorianLiebhart thanks a lot
Hello @FlorianLiebhart I am very interested in this feature is there any news?
@FlorianLiebhart Thanks a lot
@muffl0n as I remember it does not have support for route 53 @hvpareja lets meet on kubecon on cert-manager booth and through birthday party there :)
I would like to nominate Paweł Piwosz @pawelpiwosz for his contribution and spreading knowladge via his podcast and involvement in community
I would like to nominate Garima Bajpai @bajpaigarima1 as she has been active persons contributing in creating learning materials and has been active on conferences by presenting CD foundation
I would like to nominate Anna Daughtry @ajdaughe for her contribution in cdCon 2024 Program Chair
I would like to say big thank you to Roxanne Joncas @zestyroxy for her proactive position and commitment to grow CDF community