
Results 8 comments of Gallium70

Even as a CHINESE user, it took me days to find that config, because it's at the bottom of the Wiki... To make things worse, it seems that Camtd would...

Moving bond store actually DOES solve the problem, at least for me...but not with a shift of 6(as mentioned in # I tried a shift of 10(i.e. BLEBondStore(10) ), and...

Another example that Verible can't parse: ```verilog `define DEF_A module top; wire a, b, c, d; assign d = { a, `ifdef DEF_A b, `endif c }; endmodule ```

我自己现在的方法是把panic换成 ```rust let clint = crate::clint::Clint::new(0x2000000 as *mut u8); clint.clear_soft(hart_id); // Clear IPI unsafe { mip::clear_msoft(); mip::set_ssoft(); }; ``` 这样S态可以用IPI,不过remote fence就只能靠S态软件自己实现了;如果要在sbi里面支持rfence,那可能得加一套和hsm类似的命令机制,也放在这判断一下(不过rfence应该不需要维护状态,可能实现起来会简单一些)

> 而保存调用者保存的寄存器是因为,调用者保存的寄存器可以由编译器帮我们自动保存。 应该是“不保存调用者保存的寄存器”吧?

> 所以,我们可以断定,这个二进制程序虽然合法,但它是一个空程序。这不是我们希望的,我们希望有具体内容的执行程序。为什么会这样呢? 这是上一节的内容吧,似乎不应该出现在这一节里
