Yolan Honoré-Rougé

Results 50 issues of Yolan Honoré-Rougé

## Description Close #328 ## Development notes Change after_context_created hook to use default configuration instead of raising an error when no mlflow.yml file exists. ## Checklist - [X] Read the...

## Description ``kedro-mlflow`` is using ``pydantic`` for ``KedroMlflowConfig`` class. This is used both for its syntactic sugar to create class, to benefit from auto-completion from a dev perspective and for...


## Description Before using ``kedro-mlflow`` in a ``kedro`` project, it is needed to create a configuration file with ``kedro mlflow init`` command. ## Context It will make plugin installation easier,...


## Description This is a catch-all ticket for model registry integration. Some ideas: - Add a key in mlflow.yml to [set `mlflow_registry_uri`](https://mlflow.org/docs/latest/python_api/mlflow.tracking.html#mlflow.tracking.set_registry_uri) - Create a dataset which is able to...


# Context The current version of kedro mlflow does not use the ``MLProject`` used by mlflow for excuting the project. This prevents the use of some mlflow functionnalities, like rerun...


Mlflow offers a some [autologging functionnalities](https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/tracking.html#id26) for the most common machine learning frameworks (keras, tensorflow, xgboost...). It would be nice to be able to configure these autologging parametersin the ``mlflow.yml``...


## This issue has changed quite a bit since it was originally written. Look at the final post here to see what we now need to do. Original issue here...

Issue: Feature Request
Stage: Technical Design 🎨

## Description Close #358, prepare #11 and support https://github.com/getindata/kedro-azureml/issues/9 ## Development notes - ## Checklist - [ ] Read the [contributing](https://github.com/Galileo-Galilei/kedro-mlflow/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) guidelines - [X] Open this PR as a 'Draft...

## Description The ``reload_kedro_mlflow`` line magic is used to expose a ``mlflow_client`` in jupyter notebooks automatically. ## Context - To my knowledge, this is not used by anyone. People are...


## Description Mlflow has recently released [mlflow recipes](https://www.mlflow.org/docs/latest/recipes.html). Integration with kedro-mlflow should be investigated. ## Context Mlflow offers more advanced deployment and tracking capabilities than kedro, and it could be...
