
Results 5 issues of Galaxy-Ding

## Summary I have read the related [issue100,]( and it runs smoothly. However, unlike issue 100, I return -9 directly ## Background: The purpose is to train the 2.9b model...

环境: vicuna-13b 的基础模型 ubuntu18.04.6 其他环境按照 ReadMe 所建立 我的知识库文件:(部分) ![image]( 问题: ![image]( 已经尝试过了: 1,重启server,重启webserver. 还是得到一样的结果 llm server 后台日志如下: ![image]( webserver 后台日志如下 ![image](


Hi, I'm new to this huggingface transformation. I now have: - vicuuna13b.pth(which i finetune with my data) I want to convert it into a huggingface model like yours repo []...

Target: For me, I am new to huggingface, just want to convert my fine-tuned model(pth) into huggingface, which can be directly downloaded and used. Done: #113 I've seen this issue,...

## 环境版本说明 OS: ubuntu20.04下 docker: docker rknntoolkit 1.7.3 环境 ## 背景: 需要转换Y8的网络,在Q群讨论过了,做了y8的网络层修改, 具体是用原生的y8的网络,做如下 修改 1, 将ultrralytics 文件夹下的所有chunk 算子 等效替换成chunk; 接着便开始输出onnx: ``` from ultralytics import YOLO # Load a model model...