Is OTG enabled by default in Balena or must we still follow the short guide mentioned above (as if it were Raspbian)? I'm not having much luck testing so far.
Ahh. Ok I have not seen the directions for the usb.conf anywhere else. Thanks for the detailed directions! Should I need to add the blank "ssh" file as well? On...
I think the _hardcoded ip_ is a good idea, but just to be clear the config should be located: `/etc/networ/interface.d/usb.conf` No "k" in networ**k**? Should this be on the `resin-rootA`...
Formating using keyboard shortcuts (CTRL+B, CTRL+U. etc) **will apply as expected** in the preview box, **however, it does not carry formatted once submitted** into Talk's conversation area. GIF screen capture...