Objective of issue: Refactor AbstractRunCondition into an actual abstract class. **Lava version:** - [ ] **0.3.0** (feature release) - [ ] **0.2.1** (bug fixes) - [x] **0.2.0** (current version) -...
The solvers in the library are intended to accept optimization problems objects as input. Thus, the user should be able to define such optimization problem objects. All problems in the...
Every Solver network has distributed information about its progress towards a feasible and optimal solution, this information can be integrated by another set of processes so that a single variable...
Every solver should have a corresponding unit test (or test suite) for it's interface. This serve as the entry-point for top-down test-driven development (TDD) but also as a start for...
Add the initial directory and file hierarchy for the optimization library and neuromorphic solvers under development (CSP, QUBO, ILP, and QP) and those on the horizon (LP, MIQP, QCQP). This...
Issue Number: Objective of pull request: ## Pull request checklist Your PR fulfills the following requirements: - [ ] [Issue]( created that explains the change and why it's needed -...
### User Story As a user of the OptimizationSolver I want to run the Loihi2 Optimization solver with many parallel configurations running simultaneously to get higher solution probability and a...
### User Story As a user of the OptimizationSolver I want the Optimization solver with many parallel configurations running simultaneously to get higher solution probability and a lower time to...
### User Story As a user of the OptimizationSolver, I want to chose a linear or exponetial annealing schedule (user only provides decay parameter not time series) to control the...
### User Story As a user of the OptimizationSolver I want to set the number of neurons per core to control for fluctuations in time per timestep during benchmarking of...