
Results 6 comments of GSchuemann

I ran into a similiar issue today: > ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: > services.nginx-mailcow.ports contains an invalid type, it should be a number, or an object...

Hello there, I am the creator of the tutorial and looking at your and mine output I discovered something which might be helpful for you. I also get this part:...

Great that it also worked on pure (wanted to test this in the next few days, but other people aren't as lazy as me ;)) The missing buildings are fixed...

> :) So where did you manage to run it before? or how did you know that DXVK is needed for buildings and units? I saw the game needed DirectX11...

> Has anybody tried online functionality? Spectating works flawlessly. Haven't tried out a real match yet, but I am expecting it to work. We mean by pure that no changes...

> What is the overlay? Is it missing from the Linux version of Discord generally or just in the snap? The overlay shows you in game who is speaking, a...