Eiichi Takebuchi
Eiichi Takebuchi
Hi, jmew! So, did you disabled the User Account Control? or, please run the install.py on the administrator rights. Thanks!
Hi, jmew! So, I don't bethink of solving your problem. I teach manually installation to you. 1. Please move MMD HumanIK.xml to "USER_FOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\HIKCharacterizationTool4\template" If you don't exsist "HIKCharacterizationTool4" folder, I...
Hi, jmew! OK, please running Maya. Open the [Window]-[Setting/Preference]-[Plugin-Manager]. Find mayaHIK.mll as checking Load and Auto Load. Maybe, Maya will be making HIKCharacterizationTool4 folder. Please Reopen Autodesk folder after enable...
Hi jmew! I had felt easy that you got to solve one problem. I solve the next problem. So, did you copied the kakasi folder on C drive? Thanks.
And, I need a screenshot of the Script Editor!
Hi, jmew! Thanks for your screenshot. I think this problem that maybe Maya2015 can't running the outside process. I will have reformed this problem for a little while. I'm so...
Hi jmew! Really? What did you imported character?
Hi jmew! So, must be include install.py on mmd-transporter folder. install.py is putting kakasi and MMD HumanIK.xml onto each relevant folders. You have a problem what throw an exception by...
Ummmmmmm... I don't have windows8 ... I'm so sorry ... Please wait for solving a problem later...
ご報告ありがとうございます. こちらの環境で初音ミク・ハイポリモデルVer1.31b(ちゃーりぃ式)を試しましたところ,UvMorphの存在するモデル(MMD TransporterはUVモーフ未対応です)なので以下のエラー文が出ます. RuntimeError: file line 2: ParseException: file C:/Users/Eiichi/Documents/GitHub/mmd-transporter/lib\pymeshio\pmx\reader.py line 210: not implemented UvMorph 原因がわからないので,セキュリティソフトやUACの有効の有無,使用しているPCの詳細なスペック等を教えて頂けないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします.