Eiichi Takebuchi

Results 20 comments of Eiichi Takebuchi

Hi, jmew! So, did you disabled the User Account Control? or, please run the install.py on the administrator rights. Thanks!

Hi, jmew! So, I don't bethink of solving your problem. I teach manually installation to you. 1. Please move MMD HumanIK.xml to "USER_FOLDER\AppData\Roaming\Autodesk\HIKCharacterizationTool4\template" If you don't exsist "HIKCharacterizationTool4" folder, I...

Hi, jmew! OK, please running Maya. Open the [Window]-[Setting/Preference]-[Plugin-Manager]. Find mayaHIK.mll as checking Load and Auto Load. Maybe, Maya will be making HIKCharacterizationTool4 folder. Please Reopen Autodesk folder after enable...

Hi jmew! I had felt easy that you got to solve one problem. I solve the next problem. So, did you copied the kakasi folder on C drive? Thanks.

And, I need a screenshot of the Script Editor!

Hi, jmew! Thanks for your screenshot. I think this problem that maybe Maya2015 can't running the outside process. I will have reformed this problem for a little while. I'm so...

Hi jmew! Really? What did you imported character?

Hi jmew! So, must be include install.py on mmd-transporter folder. install.py is putting kakasi and MMD HumanIK.xml onto each relevant folders. You have a problem what throw an exception by...

Ummmmmmm... I don't have windows8 ... I'm so sorry ... Please wait for solving a problem later...

ご報告ありがとうございます. こちらの環境で初音ミク・ハイポリモデルVer1.31b(ちゃーりぃ式)を試しましたところ,UvMorphの存在するモデル(MMD TransporterはUVモーフ未対応です)なので以下のエラー文が出ます. RuntimeError: file line 2: ParseException: file C:/Users/Eiichi/Documents/GitHub/mmd-transporter/lib\pymeshio\pmx\reader.py line 210: not implemented UvMorph 原因がわからないので,セキュリティソフトやUACの有効の有無,使用しているPCの詳細なスペック等を教えて頂けないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします.