Hey Jeremy thanks for your prompt reply. Yeah it's consuming a lot of CPU with no projects and gets worse with each project opened. I've been using it for a...
CPU issue happens regardless of using dmenu launcher or opening by terminal or opening by clicking on text document Using i3wm and code has been flawless and going strong for...
Installed from AUR; portals were touched wrt. one of the screenshare apps so maybe there's something there I removed the app that was using portals and maybe the portals with...
Downloaded youtube-dl from AUR and now getting `me@manjaro [2]> mpv acestream://10a85cd65dc8ba3eefa31d6ffef640e44d21e50d [mpv_acestream] AceStream protocol detected. [ffmpeg] http: HTTP error 500 Internal Server Error Failed to open [ytdl_hook] ERROR: Unable...
Investigating youtube-dl issue: `me@manjaro [2]> youtube-dl --verbose acestream://10a85cd65dc8ba3eefa31d6ffef640e44d21e50d [debug] System config: [] [debug] User config: [] [debug] Custom config: [] [debug] Command-line args: ['--verbose', 'acestream://10a85cd65dc8ba3eefa31d6ffef640e44d21e50d'] [debug] Encodings: locale UTF-8, fs...