
Results 7 comments of GO74

Well, I'm currently looking for Client and Server side TLS. I would like to use it in combination with mqtt-client and I believe that it would make a lot of...

Hatte auch solche Meldungen. Habe dann sämtliche manuell gezogenen Anhängigkeiten entfernt und ausschließlich die LIBs aus dem Artikel genommen: ct.de/yha5 Naja, Basecamp ist schon ganz nett, aber die fehlende frei...

@PureWeen what I'm trying to archive is to call my view using a parameter like that: `Route = $"Container?bookingcodeproperty=AASSWE2"` It should behave exactly like calling the view without the paramter,...

Sure, I expect the very same look and behaviour as if I call the view without parameter. I also explained the issue here: [https://forums.xamarin.com/discussion/comment/421688#Comment_421688](url)

@PureWeen Okay, got it. So this is the navigation experience I need to provide: ![desired](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38290089/93758946-9bfa5180-fc09-11ea-80fb-9fe56ccc98a8.gif) And this is how it is currently behaving: ![observed](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/38290089/93758993-b03e4e80-fc09-11ea-83c0-956e20b1b346.gif) The workaround/dirty hack I came up...

> > Actually up to Android 11 (API levels > Are you actually targeting Android 12 (API 31) with your app, or just running an app that targets Android 11...

I could need a solution to this as well. Not sure how to apply the 'solution' as well.