
Results 6 issues of GITHUB243884919

### [REQUIRED] Step 1: Describe your environment * Unity version: __2018.4.10___ * Google Mobile Ads Unity plugin version: ____GoogleMobileAds-v7.0.0_ * Platform: ___Unity Editor__ (iOS, Android, Unity Editor) * Platform OS...

hi ~ Think you and thank your code. I am learning quadtree. I have some questions. 1. In the DemoScript.Update() ` // refresh QuadTree each frame if bodies can move...

Open this porject by Unity2019.4.1f1, there is a lot of error. I check the package manger , some import packages show red color. ![QQ图片20200624213256](

Assets/LuaFramework/ToLua/Source/Generate/UnityEngine_QualitySettingsWrap.cs(1077,32): error CS0200: Property or indexer `UnityEngine.QualitySettings.streamingMipmapsRenderersPerFrame' cannot be assigned to (it is read-only)

1.如果只是血条,不用3D的mesh,建2D的mesh即可,也就是4个顶点 2.用ugui做血条,只要在一个canvas下,增加血条不会增加DC