Geoffrey Gross
Geoffrey Gross
I ran this problem as well and @MaNuGitH's workaround didn't work for me. I wrote a function that might be helpful for someone. Lucky for me the new branch `new-api`...
@nevergiveup777 Does your element have the html2pdf page-break classes in it? The way I did it was by breaking my element up into the pages that I wanted, and then...
@waqar-imtiaz The pages arg is a list containing strings of HTML. In my case each element in the list is a single page that is ended with the ``. Can...
@waqar-imtiaz sorry for the delay. Life has been crazy lately. It looks like you don't need to loop through that html element. You should just be able to pass it...
@audra415 sorry for the delay. Life has been crazy. So the the array of pages that I pass into the`exportHTMLToPDF` funciton is a mixture of html strings that I hard...
@eKoopmans Sounds great. I will say that I think you want to use `outputImg` then add the img to your own instance of jsPDF. I think that is the easiest...