Results 7 comments of GDCCP

First of all, thanks for your work. I have removed some explicit memory management in edlib.cpp, but I do wonder if there is a real concern about using size_t as...

[edlibAlign calls myserCalcEditDistanceSemiGlobal(edlib.cpp:L199-212)]( inside a `do` loop: ```c++ do { if (config.mode == EDLIB_MODE_HW || config.mode == EDLIB_MODE_SHW) { myersCalcEditDistanceSemiGlobal(Peq, W, maxNumBlocks, queryLength, target, targetLength, k, config.mode, &(result.editDistance), &(result.endLocations), &(result.numLocations));...

With this: ```c++ // compute loss between the actual and desired areas // original is minimizing sum of square of area difference // modification: // Let x_ be the estimate...

I load a ply with read_triangle_mesh and these are x,y,z min/max for my vertices: array([-0.74707031, -0.74707037, -1.19707072]), array([0.56193352, 0.11686674, 0.17213203]) So when I do igl.ray_mesh_intersect(np.asarray([0,10,25],dtype=np.float32),np.asarray([0,0,1],dtype=np.float32),*mesh) I have over 10k hits....

> Are you compiling the most recent version? Or using the one on conda? conda on ubuntu.

I have 2 views on my data, one as datatable(DT) and the other graphical(plotly). Stuff happens by selecting a object(cell) in the table. I want to allow user to select...

Noted. However, I probably cannot have a working implementation soon, or ever. Try to summarize briefly here. This is a server DT table and actions are triggered cell/row selection, i.e....