Results 33 comments of Mike

I really like "OpenSpin" as suggested above. Another similar - VirtualSpin...

@dvmarinoff, I like the slope-mode with respect to distance idea as well. I remember training for mountain bike races and turning my activity gpx (with power meter) into an erg...

@dvmarinoff in case it's of any use, attached is an MS Excel speed-power calculator (zipped) with VBA code based on Martin et al. There are two sheets - one to...

After having some time in surgery recovery to further reflect about this, here are my thoughts about some of the issues... I think it would be nice to have an...

Great start on this @dvmarinoff. I think there is an error in the following line in virtualSpeed: ``` const force = (power * (1 - drivetrainLoss)) - (totalResistance * speed);...

Ok no problem. First a couple of questions: 1) should I use the defaults in function Model if argument not specified in Function test? 2) did you mean to set...

Ok the first order problem is my very bad vba to js translation! I apologize. In virtualSpeed change to the following: ``` speed = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(speedPrev, 2) + 2 * powerKE...

I'm finished with this pass. Aside from the change I mentioned above (which BTW was correct in my original version of virtualSpeed above so I don't know what happened!), here...

Using Martin et al modeling options (true, true ,true ,false ,false), crr=.004, CdA=.4, Rho=1.275, mass=85 kg, v0=7 m/s, slope=0, I get 99.2 secs and 255 m stopping time and distance...

@dvmarinoff - on the integrators issue - can you explain how you are integrating/sampling now? From what you said above I understand that you get power-time messages from the trainer...