Gabriele Ponzi
Gabriele Ponzi
Hi kixxalot, can you be more precise please? For screenshot do you mean dataset snapshot? Does the bug occur deterministically every time you execute the same steps? If yes, what...
We already provide something similar, the box selection: modifier key + mousedown, then drag to extend the box. Here is the manual page reporting this and other shortcuts: Btw...
I agree with your point, in fact this feature is in roadmap.
Hi kixxalot, - in the upper toolbar next to the search bar, you can find several shortcut, among them you can find a delete button that serves exactly as you...
This is the expected behaviour, you can move the graph keeping the selection by using the pan-zoom controller at the top left in the graph widget area. Btw, we can...
I agree with this enhancement. Unifying the different models' API will make orientdb more comprehensible and usable for users. Moreover IMHO it should increase the perception of working with a...