Giacomo Trezzi

Results 22 issues of Giacomo Trezzi

Are uploads supported ? absinthe plug has support for them ([types]( And If you think uploads over WS are not a good idea, would it be possible to use a...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When pressing enter in filters form should be triggered, it should not in edit screens **Describe the solution you'd like**... It would be nice to have a bit more flexibility on this query. in my case I would like to use `ILIKE` (Postgres) it's possible to use scope but...

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** I've noticed `Quill` field does not have a `storage` method. I think It would be more consistent to support this...

I've added an optional callback to `fixTree()` `countErrors()` and relative methods so a user can configure the query My main use case i to disable global scopes (I've added tests...

i'm using nanobox with docker in the lightweight VM ``` $ nanobox start Starting Nanobox : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + HEADS UP: + Nanobox will run a single VM transparently within VirtualBox....

Hello, I'm trying do build multiarch docker images but i think no arm64 package is available for alpine: ```bash apk add --repository --allow-untrusted secrethub-cli #8 0.388 fetch #8...


I with react-router i had a routing component made like so ```jsx ... ``` and i tried implementing RRN like so (is this correct ?) ```jsx ... ``` in the...

bug 🙃
v2 :boom:

sometimes Laravel relations are not enough and custom classes can be created to define custom relations, for example it's not possible to use this kind of relations with this...


I'm receiving `no function clause matching in anonymous fn/2 in MyApp.User.update_changeset/2` this is my changeset function in the model ```elixir def update_changeset(struct, params \\ %{}) do struct |> cast(params, [:name,...